Metrography agency in collaboration with MovingArtists.org organized a presentation for the Spanish photographer, Begoña Zubero. she (born in Bilbao , 1962) is a Spanish photographer, who since the eighties, has been working on historical memory through landscape and architecture. In her photographs, Zubero speaks of the human footprint in the environment through the revelation of a story in the visible signs of each place. In previous series she has worked on different topics such as Flowers or Abstractions, but since 2000, she began to move in open spaces: Italy, Germany, Poland , Russia and Armenia. Her most relevant projects are “Existen:z”, “Tempelhof” on the Berlin airport, “Habitacao Serralves” on the Serralves House in Porto and “Gente del Po”. During Metrography’s photo festival, Begona Zubero, talked about her photography projects in details and the materials she used for print and their installations.